Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Last Day At Chesterfield...For Now!

I was asked to take blood from a registrar today!

Apparently, he wanted to get a LFT done on his blood (no idea why, so don't ask me) when he chanced upon us students lazing in the on-call room.

One thing led to another and before I knew it, I was "volunteered" to take his blood! Hahaha!

It was really nerve-wracking because:
1. He was a registrar.
2. I had to use the syringe and needle which I had never used before instead of the vacutainers I was pretty familiar with.
3. I had an audience.
4. No friendly house officers were going to step in should I fail or in the event that anything goes wrong.
5. Did I mention that he was a registrar?

Bloody hell - I've never been that nervous taking blood! I bet I was more relaxed when I had to take blood for the first time compared to today!

Thankfully, everything went alright and I managed to draw blood from him in one attempt.


I guess all that practice paid off!

On different note, today was our last day in Chesterfield before we go off for our 4 week summer break.

I can almost detect a palpable sense of relief from the patients. No more questioning, prodding and poking by the pesky medical students.


Anyways, it's been a great 4 weeks - I can honestly say that I've enjoyed every day I've spent there!

Yeah, it's quite tiring and all that, but when you have friendly and helpful PRHOs, SHOs, SPRs and consultants who go out of their way to teach you stuff, it doesn't seem so much like a chore anymore!

So many thanks to everyone at the CRH for teaching us, showing us stuff and generally tolerating our presence all this while!

And to the PRHOs and SHOs who are leaving in August for their next rotation, I wish all of you the best of luck in your new jobs as well!

To the rest (nurses, SPRs, consultants, etc) - we'll be back to get in your way again in the last week of August!

Until then, take care!

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