Monday, July 9, 2007


I was happily wandering in Slumberland during a meeting today - until my pager bleeped.

It was such a shock, I almost swore aloud in surprise as my body went from "Standby" to "Panic" mode in milliseconds.

One of my partners who was observing me while I was asleep said that it was pretty hilarious to watch.

Apparently, I literally jumped up and scrambled for my pager in a panic when I received the bleep.

Luckily I didn't fall out of my chair or something.

And thank goodness that it was a large meeting - it would have obvious to everyone if there were only a handful of people present.

Anyways, the bleep turned out to be from my super-nice PRHO Julianna, who told me that she had a couple of patients for me to bleed.

I feel so bad because she went out of her way to let me know that there's interesting stuff for me to do - but I was fast asleep when she paged me.

Thankfully, I made it to where she was in record time. I would have kicked myself if I had made her wait.


Gotta stay awake. Need more coffee.

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