Thursday, June 14, 2007

Is It Summer Yet?

Time really does fly.

In just an instant, Spring has come and gone and now it's Summer. Although Summer has been pretty damp the past couple of days.

Come on, bring on blue and sunny skies! Let there be warm and breezy days! Summer should be Beautiful Weather Galore!

Not a Persistent Mist-Blanketed Incessant Drizzle, which pretty much sums up the weather for the past two days. And projected by the Met Office to remain as such for two more days at least.

However, even though the weather's been pretty miserable the past few days, I've been enjoying it so far.

You must think I'm nuts. I think I am, too.

After all, what's there to like about gloomy skies and wet days?

It's weird, but I find a certain charm in mist-blanketed surroundings with a persistent, gentle drizzle.

Somehow, it all feels very English and when I look around me I think "how appropriate".

Just like the settings of a story book.

What's missing are the ivy vines creeping up the side of buildings, weeping willows by a stream and mild-mannered cows chewing their cud by the fence.

But those sights aren't very common in a city, I guess.

I mean, if I saw cows chewing their cud by a fence, my first instinct would to look for an overturned trailer or something similar.

But I guess I have to be thankful for what I have. It is pretty pleasant living where I am right now.

Although maybe one day I'll get bored of it and look out of my window and go "What horrid weather" instead of "Ah, it looks nice".

Maybe someday the charm of it will wear off, maybe not.

But until that day comes, I'll just enjoy every moment of it.

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